I am adding this tutorial because I made a these for my girls for our summer vacation 8 hour drive, and I like to promote sleeping in the car. :)My girls take their pillows even on short trips. These are great little items to have for traveling, they are fast, easy, and fun to make.
Start with 2 pieces of fabric right sides together, and with a fabric marker make a large upside down U. Now as far as size goes you will want to make these a few inches larger than you want them to be. For me the sizing was trial and error. Take your ruler and from each point in your U measure out to right on the right side and to the left on the left side. I did mine mine about 7". From the end point of this line draw another upside down U over the first one you made point to point. Making it fairly large on the curves. There is your pattern. You can always do that on a piece of cardboard first to make a template.
Cut Your pieces out and sew them together, making sure you leave an opening a few inches wide for stuffing. I left my opening on the outside straightest edge to keep it easy to sew shut.
All stitched now turn your pillow right side out through the hole you left open. What I did with my pillow which is optional is I made a stitch all the way around on the outside so it will look the same all around once you sew your opening shut.
Now it's time to stuff, this step is self explanatory. :)
Once it's all stuffed sew it shut, and VOILA you have a new travel pillow.
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